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J. Ángel Romero T.
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We use "there is and there are" to give information about things in a place, but which one do you have to use? How to use them?
Use "there is" for singular, countable and uncountable nouns (sustantivos contables y no contables)
Use "there are" for plural and countable
nouns (sustantivos contables)
There is with singular nouns
For example: There is a laptop (here
“laptop” is a singular noun)
Use there are with plural nouns
For example: There are two laptops / There
are laptops (here “laptops” is the plural noun)
There is and There are mean in Spanish “hay”
There is an apple
There are apples / There are two
We can also use the negative way for "there is and there are"
Look at the next notes
What are countable nouns?
Uncountable nouns usually are singular and they don’t
have a plural form. They can be small things to be counted, qualities, liquids,
gases, powder, grain, abstract ideas (advice, motivation) etc.
We usually use "there is" for uncountable things. We can use expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, etc.
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